Urinary Tract Surgery

NVRS provide treatment for a range of urinary tract conditions.

Urethrostomy (creating a new permanent opening in the urethra) is a procedure most commonly used on male feline patients. Male cats can develop an obstruction of the urethra due to its narrow size, often caused by materials such as crystals and mucus forming a ‘plug’. Repeated catheterisation procedures or other trauma may lead to urethral strictures, which increase the chance of obstruction. Our veterinary surgeons work to stabilise patients suffering from this condition through catheterisation, flushing and medication. In patients that have multiple reoccurrences of this condition a perineal urethrostomy or prepubic uresthrostomy can be performed in male cats and a pre-scrotal urethrostomy in dogs.

We also offer ectopic ureter assessment and surgery. An ectopic ureter is the most common cause of urinary incontinence in younger canine patients. It is a congenital condition that occurs when an abnormally located end portion of the ureter causes its opening to occur in the urethra, vagina or uterus. Surgery is the preferred method of treatment for ectopic ureters, even in cases where mild improvement has been achieved through medical management. Our ultrasound and CT facilities are fantastic tools for the diagnosis of such conditions. Various surgical techniques can be employed depending on the exact nature of the defect.